Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Spring Cleaning #30 Various & Assorted Drives(pt.1)

I knew about the P drive(shared location for
communal files)and used it often for Br. re-
lated files. I use the S drive (known as Scratch
Dr.)send flyers, posters, that Mkting needs to
print. I never knew what the Z drive was but I
have since learned that I can put documents here
that others can't see.

I did move documents to the Z drive and also
eliminated some folders that are past their
"use date".The oldest folder I eliminated
was from 2003. I plan to periodically clear
out my folders and files.

Spring Cleaning #29 Email and more

I had cleaned out my email several times in the past
but didn't realize that they were still hanging
around, hiding. Anyway, I learned how to perma-
nently delete emails (and sent mail)via empyting
the trash. I also learned how to create folders.
I set up several and sent email to them.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Spring Cleaning #28-Getting Things Done

I love lists and I think organizing is often underated so I loved the author's approach.
Much of what he suggests I already do. I collect, process, organize, review and do.
But one thing I always have problems is never returning anything to the In Box. I
frequently put things back in the In box; it is more a function of not having anyplace
to put stuff. But I did come up with a clipboard solution. The other thing I learned is
Review the " waiting for" items. I use my To Do list as a way of handling that.

Anyway, I enjoyed GTD and look forward to incorporating these ideas.