Wednesday, September 26, 2007

This is the 3rd part of flickr. I was able to go to the site and play
play around with the color effects, re-sizing, different textures
and so forth. However, I was not successful in actually showing
the changes to the picture in my blog. They seemed stuck in
Flickr-land; maybe not a bad place to be? I'll try again

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Purposeful yet sadly Perplexed

Week 3 #6 and hello bloggdom. The flickering lights
of flickr are dimming, hope is flagging, yet I persevere.
I enjoyed expanding my knowledge about Flickr and
in particular delighted in "Spell with Flickr" (I love
words) and "Captioner". I was going to attempt
to paste "Spell... " into my blog but was stopped
in my tracks my the lengthy and obtuse html
directions. Pardon? As for "Captioner", well, I could
not find a way to put that on my Blog.

Okay, I guess I did send it from Flickr,

but I have a vague sense of disatisfaction

because I don't feel I have the hang of it.

By the way, day #2, 2nd pix.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Week #3. I'm attempting to add a picture to

this blog. I did manage to put a picture on flickr.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Learning habits. Learning with a group of people and seeing
the process done works best for me.
It appears that there are an infinite number of ways
that your privacy can be pirated from spamming to hijacking
your email. Consequently, speeding along the information highway
has its' perils as you seek to thwart or evade those who would
steal from you that most precious of commodities: privacy.
The life of a hermit, though appealing, is not really an option
in this techno driven age. The solution? Proceed with CAUTIION.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


" Once you learn to read, you'll be forever free" Frederick Douglass
Does this apply to creating a blog? Will I be forever free?